Armstrong Falcons
Plymouth, MN
Program Payment Options
Please use the appropriate links below to process any payments for Armstrong Volleyball programs or camps. If you are looking for alternate payment options, please contact Coach Hauser at armstrongvolleyballcoach@gmail.com.​
Summer Camp
Please select the camp option you registered for and list your players name. If you have not already completed the Summer camp registration form, please do so after processing your payment here . Both payment and completed registration are required to reserve a spot at the camp.
You are paying for 1 summer camp spot. Please ensure your player can attend Mon-Thu of their specific camp week as we do not generally refund for missed days. Any special circumstances must be sent to Coach Mike BEFORE the start of the camp week (hauservolleyball@gmail.com).
There is a $5 fee for returned or refunded payments​
​Summer Open Gym
$8 per session or pay for all sessions at once for $100 (saving $20). Players can also pay upon arrival at the gym. If you pay at the door, the cost is $8! Please have players sign up for a spot in the open gyms here to help ensure the best coach to player ratios. This is 15 individual open gym dates throughout the summer.
There is a $5 fee for returned or refunded payments​