Armstrong Falcons
Plymouth, MN
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What do parents need to do so their daughter can tryout for the high school team in August?
All participants in athletic programs at Armstrong High School must be fully registered prior to the athlete's first practice and/or tryout. Registration forms can be picked up at the Armstrong Activities Office after August 1st or downloaded from our website. Registration forms and participation fees can be returned to the Activities Office beginning the first week of August. Office hours are 7:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Registration information can be found on the Armstrong High School Website (http://ahs.rdale.org/activities___athletics/athletics/athletics_registration_information/.
A current physical within the last 3 years is needed and the Activity Fee payment should be turned in to the AHS Activities Office by the deadline date. If you need immediate assistance please contact Larry Tate, AD at his email at larry_tate@rdale.org.
Q: How do we know which jersey to wear?
If the opposing team color is red, wear blue or white. If the opposing team color is blue, wear red or white. In the instance there are no shared colors, red is for home matches and blue or white are away. Even though teams are on separate sides of the net, this eliminates the chance of wearing the same jersey as the opponent, helps distinguish the teams and makes it easier on spectators.
Q: What time does the bus arrive from away games?
This depends on when the match finishes and how far the school is from Armstrong. We suggest players calling to notify rides when leaving the opposing school. Coaches on the bus will notify players when we are appx. 10 minutes from AHS.
Q: Where can I find stats?
Varsity players stats will be submitted to the MN VOLLEYBALL HUB and MN State High School League (MSHSL). Scores are called into the Star Tribune by the coaching staff, where they may choose to highlight one or two players standout performances.
Q: When will I know the practice and competition schedule for the season?
It will depend on the team your daughter makes, but expect morning practice for the first two weeks. Following that, Freshmen will have 2:30-4:30 pm practice and B-squad/ JV/Varsity will practice from 4:30-6:30 pm practices on non-competition days for the remainder of the year. Note that there are some scrimmages the first 2 weeks. During the regular season, games are typically on Tuesday and Thursday with some Saturday Invitationals. Always check the schedule page for the most up-to-date postings.
Q: Is the schedule set or can it change?
The competition schedule should only change under extreme circumstances. Occasionally, teams will earn a Friday practice off. This will be determined by the players and coaches. Finally, all the coaches have full time jobs outside of coaching along with families. While we do our best to adhere to the schedule, we appreciate your understanding when a schedule change is necessary.
Q: What can my daughter do in the summer to prepare for volleyball try-outs in August?
There are many ways to prepare or improve a players skills. Players can attend open gyms in the summer, take advantage of private lessons, play sand volleyball, do strength training including running, and attend summer camps. Many JO programs offer a wide variety of camps for all skill development to working on specific position training. There is an Armstrong Summer Volleyball Camp offered at Armstrong High School typically in July for a small fee. For information on the Armstrong camp, please check here.
Q: Who can attend the open gyms?
The open gyms are scheduled during the summer months and intended for any player who is planning on trying out for the high school team. Exact dates will be posted on this website on the home page or schedule page here.
Q: Who can attend the captains practices?
Captains practices are open to any female who is planning on trying out for the high school team. The captains plan the date and time of these practices. They typically are held the week prior to tryouts. Exact dates will be posted on this website on the home or schedule page. Players can look here for updates.
Q: Will my daughter make a team?
Volleyball is a sport that has the option to cut players during tryouts. The number of teams will be determined based on how many players try out for the program. Typically there are 2 Freshmen, 1 B-Squad, 1 JV and 1 Varsity team with roster sizes of 10-12. Most of the players on the Varsity team play club volleyball over the winter. The number of teams will be determined based on how many players try out for the program as well.
Q: My daughter is new to the program and I have general questions?
Please direct questions about coaching to your daughters respective Coach. Basic informational questions about the Booster Club fundraisers and programs to support the coaching staff can be directed to Booster Club at Armstrongfalconvolleyball@gmail.com
Q: My daughter really enjoys volleyball and wants to develop her skill to the next level. What programs are available when the high school season ends?
Like any sport, there are programs available year round for your daughter to play volleyball. During the off season, there are Junior Olympic (or JO) programs. These programs often have open gyms scheduled starting in October through early November to prepare for the try-outs. The JO tryouts try-out dates vary based on your age level.
The majority of the girls who play on the B Squad, JV, and Varsity teams participated in some form of JO programs during the off-season. Armstrong athletics typically offer a Strength Training program over the summer for those athletes who are interested in a conditioning program to help prepare for the coming Armstrong High School Volleyball Season as well.
Updated 6/2/21